Friday 2 January 2015

Who's been a baaaad blogger?

Well, that would be me!

Goodbye 2014 and hello 2015!!!!  I hope you all had a safe and happy festive season and got to do things you enjoy!

Here's a bit of a round up of some of my favourite mani's from last year - some I like because of the colour, others because they were fun to do, and others because I finally sort of nailed a new technique.

Hmmm the pic wouldn't load :-[

Here's the link until I figure out what went wrong! 2014 manis on IG

This year on the nail scene I aim to be a better blogger (including how to load pics!), work my way through some untrieds, participate in some nail art challenges on IG (as @katherinelb12) & learn some new techniques.

For those who are interested in my other addiction, on the craft scene I aim to be spinning, knitting, weaving & quilting my way through 2015 (@spindleweb).

Here's hoping anyway!

Stay safe and polished - until next time!